The gentle breeze
Of early spring
Always rings
In the midnight air
O mother bird
Gently crows
To the morning sun
The gentle breeze
The smell of spring
So fresh and sweet
Flowers blooming
Motors booming
And early birds
Chirp and sing
Always ring
As spring passes by
With a sign.
My old middle school friend, Jonathan, sent me an email filled with poems that I had written during that early stage of life. A time when things seemed easier and I had more time to indulge in my love of writing.
Life continues to pass by easily here in Bangkok. We have begun our last week of classes as we ease into finals and then the 3 week break in October. The holiday looms on the horizon and I still remain unsure as to how best to take advantage of it. My initial plans have fallen by the wayside and the thought of such free time just spent in Bangkok seems unnerving.
Things have settled down greatly since my last blog. The PM has been removed from office and, while the protesters maintain that they will not concede until all members of his party are removed also, the air is not heavy with tension.
As we enter into the last couple of weeks of September, it strikes me that I have been here for 4 months now. Some days it feels longer. Some shorter. Bangkok and I have settled into each other like a body and a worn-out couch - some days I grow tired and restless but most days I'm content to settle in, usually with a good book these days.