At the end of the day, the only one who is frustrated, exhausted, and emotionally spent is you.
As Christmas day looms closer, I can' t help but think about all of the things I'd rather be doing this 'holiday' season...
I want to walk through Chernobyl forest with Drew and Tom, still in my pajamas.
I'd like to hear my mom yell at me to come fix/type some mundane thing on her computer.
I want to feel the weight of my newly born niece in my arms and kiss her sweet (and assuredly) plump cheeks.
I want to run outside, into Christi's arms before she's barely stepped out of her car.
I want KC to ask me to fix her make-up so that we can have a faux fashion shoot by the pool.
I want to stay up until 3 am watching movies in the basement of the Millay house.
I'd like to hear Joshie yell out 'Starflakes!' as he rushes down the stairs to wrap his arms around me.
I want to surprise Moryeo in his office and thank him for everything he's done in the last few weeks.
I want to chase T around the house, trying to hug and kiss her in the way that oh-so annoys her (but secretly, I know she loves...)
I want an omelette at Café Patachou with Mr. Tom, Tom, and Drew (if he managed to wake-up for once...).
I want to be surrounded by friends underneath the dim lights of Cheesecake Factory.
I want to be home.
I want to be with you.
I don't want to be whipping.
Some days.

I'm sorry I've been absent for a bit. I am still following your blog faithfully and enjoy the glimpse that it affords me into your life.
While you may not get the Christmas you so long for, I hope that your turns out well nonetheless.
This made me cry... I miss you. :(
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