Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Dear Readers,

I'm sorry that my posting has been lax as of late, but I truly have not had the spare minutes to sit and write a meaningful post. Even now, I am writing amidst the mountain of work I have to prepare today for the days ahead. We are in the throes of midterm season; preparing tests, putting together grades, and the like. As such, my days are fully devoted to school and my evenings are spent running around Bangkok taking care of menial things like buying tissue paper, but then also trying to spend times with my growing number of Thai friends whom I obviously do not have the enjoyment of seeing during the daytime.

This past weekend (4th of July), me and some other teachers - Nick, Kim, and Marisa - went to Koh Samet; one of the plentiful and beautiful Thai islands. Moreover, the cost of the entire trip (transportation, hotel stay, food and drinks) was the equivalent of 60 USD. So, I think you should all come visit me and we shall go island-hopping okay?? :D Koh Samet is very close by, only a 2 hour van ride and a ferry to leave the grey, polluted skies of Bangkok for the white sands and blue water of Koh Samet island. I had an amazing time and I daresay I had greater shock going from Koh Samet back to Bangkok than from the USA to Thailand. :D This computer isn't allowing me to put up pictures right now, so I will do so another time.

Ah well... as I said, we are in the throes of midterms. I am so looking forward to next week because we have a four-day weekend! Plus, I don't teach on Wednesdays, so I will only be teaching on Monday because my students will be taking a listening test on Tuesday... whoo! :D I am excited about the four-day weekend because I am going with my same beach-group to Koh Chang (Elephant Island), it's renowned for it's beautiful waterfalls!

But, till then I must suffer under the strain of school work. I seriously have been averaging 4 hours a night these days, like college life but not... lol. I'm still waiting to get letters/postcards/anything-snail-mail-related from someone (thanks to dear Tom who sent me a web cam last month)... so get on it people! :D

Miss you all!


Anonymous said...

I just got on it yesterday, you should be getting my card soon!

Nathan said...

Great blog! Life overseas away from everything and everyone familiar allows us to be more introspective and better re-evaluate goals and aspirations. At least, that is my experience and it looks like you have felt some of the same. Blessings star! I'll pray for your good health too. -Nate