Monday, June 23, 2008

Back to School

Another day of school today. I'm actually glad that we are able to have school again because I was getting antsy having all of that free time to myself.

In other news, unfortunately, I am getting sick again. I think it is the combination of 4 years' worth of exhaustion, the terrible Bangkok humidity and pollution, and dejectedness.

In other other news, I have gotten to know some really great Thai people, Skip and Aey, Skip works for a hotel events company and Aey is a costume stylist who has her own clothing shop! Aey has so kindly invited me to the MTV2 party going on in BKK tonight, hosted by a client of hers, and I am really excited; perhaps I will even spy some celebs!

That's all for now and it's back to class. Have a good day everyone.


Anonymous said...

Thats cool...ging to the MTV2 paty. I didnt even know they had MTV2 in Bangkok but then again...yea, I did. LOL.
Anyhoo...thats cool!

Unknown said...

Stay healthy, there's nothing worse than getting sick and having to teach all day. Glad to hear the teaching is getting better (the fact that you're stressing about tests, lessons plans, etc. means you care and you're a great teacher!!).

I hope you had fun at the MTV2 party and took lots of pics or at least rubbed elbows with the rich and famous. Tell us who you met (hopefully I've heard of them- does MTV and NPR overlap??).

Miss you lots!