Friday, June 13, 2008

Lost in Translation

Thank you for all of your comments and well-wishes. Fyi Caroline, I was wearing flats! I went to the palace clinic and they took some xrays and ascertained that I did not break anything but merely sprained my wrist and inflammed a number of the muscles on my back. I've been put on some pain medication as well as muscle relaxants.

In other news, I think that it's finally beginning to hit me that I'm 9000 miles away from everything and everyone that I consider home. As I sat here in front of the computer in the teacher's room with my papers to grade strewn all about me, surrounded by the gaggle of voices chattering away in a language that I could not begin to understand, with the sounds of Sigur Ros in my ears - it hit me.

For the time being at least, it's a sad and lonely feeling.


Unknown said...

Don't let the 9000 miles get in the way of your wonderful experience. You are going to have sad times and happy times, lonely times and too many friends times, boring times and exciting times. Plus, you get to share all of them with us (either through technology or when you're back in the US). You are still close in our hearts and we are always thinking about you! (mostly nice thoughts- haha)

Digter said...

I am finally able to sign in again!
I'm glad you're not injured too badly.
Everyone here misses you as well!

Anonymous said...

I know we're far away, but we're never out of contact. I'm keeping you in my prayers! Glad nothing is broken!

Anonymous said...

aw..babydoll :( that hurt my feelings and usually i don't have feelings. Don't worry we have not forgotten you, so please believe that. hang in there and i hope u feel better.

love ya tons,

Anonymous said...

How are you feeling now that a few days have passed, lady? We're all thinking about you.